Find out about the symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Neck pain in osteochondrosis

The ubiquitous statistics claim that more than 80% of the population is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at various stages. Meanwhile, doctors warn about the very dangerous consequences of neglected forms, which can endanger not only health, but also the life of the patient.

Osteochondrosis of the neck region - what is it?

In itself, the disease of osteochondrosis is an irreversible degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae. It is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the intervertebral component, leading to intervertebral hernias and protrusions and further destruction of the vertebral bones. These changes lead to complex processes in the body and, in addition to severe pain, also impair the function of the entire body.

The process is irreversible, it is impossible to restore damaged cartilage and intervertebral discs, you can only slow down their destruction.

The danger of such a process in the neck area is increased by the presence of a large number of nerve fibers and blood vessels connecting the brain and the human body, as well as the proximity of the location of the vertebrae (there are 7 of them in a small space).

Attention! The slightest compression of the arteries, nerve fibers or blood vessels in the cervical spine leads to a number of symptoms, the severity of which depends on which roots or vessels are squeezed.

The reasons

There are many reasons for this dangerous disease, although it is not yet known exactly why osteochondrosis occurs in a specific area. Factors provoking cervical osteochondrosis include:

way of life

This is the largest factor, both quantitatively and qualitatively. It should contain:

  • sedentary work;
  • prolonged stay in a tense or uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • low physical load on the spine (this contributes to the weakening of the muscular corset);
  • too much stress on the spine.
sedentary work as a cause of cervical osteochondrosis

Today, due to the prevailing model of social life and social behavior, a great many people are exposed to the listed factors of the occurrence of this disease.


Injuries to the spine are accompanied by cervical osteochondrosis in 90% of cases. Often it does not appear immediately after the injury, but after a certain period of time. Here the main component of occurrence will be the broken integrity of the back.

hormonal disorders

This factor can appear as early as adolescence during the restructuring of the child's body. This type of osteochondrosis can be successfully treated.

If osteochondrosis occurs against the background of menopause or diseases that change the hormonal background (diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis), treatment is symptomatic.

genetic predisposition

This reason almost always occurs as an accompaniment to others. Because the genetic predisposition in itself is not the basis for the disease, but is of great importance for other factors.


The manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis are very similar to many diseases, which makes diagnosis difficult. Its manifestations depend on which nerve roots are being compressed, in addition, many symptoms are associated with impaired blood flow to the brain. Despite the wide range of symptoms, some of the most common can be distinguished. Their appearance and strengthening depend on the degree of development of the disease. They are listed here in order of frequency of occurrence.

Headache in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

One of the first, most persistent and common symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis is a migraine headache. It is stopped well by analgesics, but as the disease develops, its intensity increases and it becomes more and more difficult to stop it.

Headache with cervical osteochondrosis

Pain can be unfolded by a pulsation in the temples and in the back of the head, can affect the parietal region, give to the parietal bone.

pain in the neck

Usually weak at first, pain in the neck appears only when you touch the affected area, in the future the pain can radiate to the back of the head, shoulder, arm (it depends on which nerve endings are pinched). At the same time, when turning or tilting the head, there is a sharp movement of the body, which is constantly set and has an increasing intensity.

Restricted movement, crunching

Another symptom of cervical osteochondrosis is the restriction of movement of the head and neck, it is difficult for the patient to turn his head, there is no way to do it completely, it is impossible to tilt his head forward or backward. When turning, there is a characteristic crunch.

hand weakness

When the nerve roots responsible for innervating the upper limbs are damaged, weakness occurs in the arms and, in severe cases, paralysis can occur.

Numbness of hands or body

When squeezing the roots responsible for sensitivity, there is a loss of sensitivity in the hands, fingers or numbness in individual areas. With advanced forms of the disease, paralysis (complete or partial) of the hands and body as a whole is possible. Again, this depends on which nerves are affected.

Hand numbness in cervical osteochondrosis

Decreased hearing, vision

This disease is characterized by such signs as hearing loss and vision loss, numbness of the lips and tongue. These organs are in close proximity and are the first to suffer from insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, one of the most unpleasant symptoms is dizziness, sometimes it can be accompanied by a loss of coordination, in some cases fainting and nausea appear. These symptoms are associated with impaired cerebral blood flow as a result of squeezing of the arteries and blood vessels.

About diagnostic methods

If one or more symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis appear, it is better to consult a doctor for a diagnosis. There are several methods for diagnosing osteochondrosis, the most informative among them are:

  • CT scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • The most commonly used is radiography.

For the diagnosis of osteochondrosis in the early stages, the X-ray is not very informative. Dopplerography of the vessels is performed in difficult cases, when there are severe symptoms: loss of sensitivity in large areas, paralysis, fainting.

Successful treatment is already possible in the early stages of the disease and depends on the correct diagnosis.

stages of the disease

The disease is characterized by an increase in symptoms and their severity, there are 4 stages.

Self-massage of the neck with osteochondrosis
  1. I-I - this is pain in the neck when touching the affected nerve endings. Pain occurs when turning the head or neck. No damage is found at the level of the spine, only injuries to the intervertebral space.
  2. II-I - This is the appearance of shooting pains that can radiate to the arm and shoulder, intensifying when turning the head. Migraine-type headaches. The pain is caused by minor destructive changes in the intervertebral discs.
  3. III-I - increased pain, which becomes constant, numbness appears, stiffness of head movements appears, weakness in the hands, attention and memory are disturbed. At this stage there are violations of the integrity of the intervertebral discs (cracks, protrusion of the articular bag), intervertebral hernia.
  4. IV-I - characterized by destruction of intervertebral discs and vertebrae, violation of bone integrity. Surgery is often required at this stage, since hernias can cause paralysis and immobilization of the upper limbs or the entire body.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck at home is possible and necessary at stages 1–2, stage 3 requires medical treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

treatment at home

Before starting treatment at any stage, it is necessary to consult a vertebrologist who will make the correct diagnosis and conduct the necessary examinations. Osteochondrosis can have symptoms similar to heart failure (high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, problems with attention and memory).

Attention! With improper or untimely treatment, cerebral ischemia, stroke, spinal cord compression, radiculopathy are possible, and these complications of the disease often threaten the patient's life.

With a correct and timely diagnosis, home treatment should include the following components:

  • medication;
  • Massage;
  • special physical exercises.

All three components are very important, they must necessarily go into complex treatment, which will ensure a good result for a long time.


Traditional massages have a very good effect after relieving acute pain. It is recommended to conduct their courses at least every 6 months. Today there is a wide range of techniques for treating cervical osteochondrosis, which will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

Neck massage for osteochondrosis
  1. There are high-quality manual techniques that you can use to get a good result.
  2. A new direction is osteopathy, aimed at treatment with hands, but considering the human body as a unit of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and spirit.
  3. A good solution would be a professional acupuncture course conducted by an experienced specialist.
  4. Massage has been successfully replaced by hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), and it is not for nothing that it is equated with acupuncture.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

One of the factors in the occurrence of this disease is low loads on the muscular corset. We lead a sedentary lifestyle, we spend a lot of time in the same position, often uncomfortable. Therefore, 10 simple exercises to strengthen the muscular corset of the neck should be included in your daily routine for everyone. Dealing with them is especially important for those who have the first signs of this disease.

Exercise should only be performed when acute pain is relieved. If they worsen, it is undesirable to do them.

Exercises for the neck in osteochondrosis example 1
  1. Perform 5-7 times while standing: put your feet shoulder-width apart, pull in your stomach, shoulders straight. Raise your arms to the sides and up, then connect them at the top and bring them back, trying to connect the shoulder blades. Then stand up straight again.
  2. It's good to train while standing, but you can also sit 7-10 times. Wrap your arms around yourself (as if hugging), try to do this as tightly as possible (elbows forward), then bring your hands back and join them by touching your elbows with your palms. Try sucking in your stomach.
  3. It's better to do it standing up, but if you feel very dizzy, you can sit down, doing each movement 3-5 times. The neck is straight, the shoulders are straight. Turn your head to the left and try to touch your shoulder with your chin, don't lift your shoulder. Repeat, turning your head to the right and performing alternate twists.
  4. Do the same exercise, tilting your head back and forth as much as possible. Try to reach your chest with your chin. Tackle the slopes slowly.
  5. Then, very slowly and carefully, make a semicircle from your left shoulder to your right, tilting your head forward. Do not make circular movements - only a semicircle. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction.

Do this exercise with your head thrown back as much as possible. Remember that you have to do it slowly and only in half circles.

Exercises for the neck in osteochondrosis example 2
  1. It is also better to work standing up, but you can also sit for 5 seconds. 3-4 times. Clench your fists and rest your chin on them. Press the fists firmly with the chin for 5 seconds, then place them on the back of the occipital bone and press again. This exercise works the neck muscles well.
  2. While seated, perform 7-10 twists in each direction. Put your hands on your hips, tilt your head forward as far as possible, it's good if you can rest your chin on your chest. Now turn your head alternately left and right while keeping your chin on your chest.
  3. Perform sitting in a low-backed chair, try at least 3-4 times. Try looking at the wall behind you with your shoulders back.
  4. Sit in a chair and place your hands between your knees 5-7 times. Lean sideways on the inhale, sit up straight on the exhale. Alternate left and right.
  5. Lie on your stomach, lean forward. Try to do this 5-6 times. Climb as high as you can and stay as long as you can.

Advice! Do the exercise at a convenient time, perhaps during a break or when your neck is tiring from a strained posture. There can't be too many here. The main thing is not to do it many times at once.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of spinal problems with folk remedies consists mainly in heating the affected area. When using recipes for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, you should be careful, because its proximity to the brain can make too much heating more harmful than beneficial.

Neck pain in osteochondrosis

You need to use recipes that have a mild effect and do not cause severe irritation.

Grandma's ointment

For the preparation you need:

  • 10 ml iodine;
  • 10 ml camphor oil;
  • 10 tablets Analgin (500 mg);
  • 300ml alcohol.

Tablets need to be crushed into powder and all the ingredients mixed. The resulting composition is applied to the neck in a thin layer.


  1. Potato. It is good to apply a compress of grated potatoes with honey at night.
  2. Horseradish. Fresh horseradish leaves should be kept over steam, cooled and applied for 10-15 minutes. up to the neck.
  3. Jump. Crush unsalted lard (1 tablespoon) and add ground fresh or dried hop cones (1 teaspoon). Apply the resulting mixture to the back of the head like a compress throughout the night.
  4. Aloe. Take 1 part ground aloe leaves, 2 parts honey and 3 parts vodka. Mix everything and leave for 12 hours. Do not apply the compress for more than 15 minutes.
Compress on the neck with osteochondrosis

Medical treatment

Traditional treatment should consist of anti-inflammatory drugs, which are regularly needed to relieve severe pain, and drugs designed to mobilize the body to fight the disease: vitamins, neuroprotectors, chondroprotectors.

In addition, depending on the problems that have arisen, drugs are prescribed that relieve the symptoms that have arisen when a certain part of the nerve roots is damaged. These can be medications:

  • reduce pressure;
  • to improve eyesight;
  • to relieve numbness.

anti-inflammatory drugs

In the initial stages, severe pain can be stopped with the help of painkillers.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs are prescribed during an exacerbation to reduce inflammation. These drugs are available in tablets, capsules, or injectable solutions. Some are in the form of topical ointments. The course of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Long-term use of drugs from a number of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) even in a healthy person. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment with analgesics leads to exacerbation.


Be sure to consume B vitaminsone,AT6,AT12). They help improve the functioning of the brain, have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improve the transmission of nerve impulses, which affects the improvement of the general condition.

These vitamins can be taken intramuscularly according to the scheme or in combination as injections, which significantly enhances their effect. In the first stages of the disease, they are shown as tablets (vitamin complexes) or dietary supplements (not recognized by official medicine).

Drugs that improve cerebral blood flow

Neuroprotectors are drugs that affect how the brain works. This includes a large group of drugs that affect various processes, including nootropics that improve memory and concentration.

Medications are prescribed when the blood supply to the brain is compromised due to squeezing of blood vessels.

Attention! Neuroprotectors must be prescribed by a neurologist.


A special place is occupied by chondroprotectors - drugs designed to improve the nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the spine (glucosamine and chondroitin) and slow down their destruction. Their positive effect has not yet been clinically proven, but they are used as a dietary supplement and have been healthily and medically examined.

These drugs can be useful in stages I and II. In the future, they are unlikely to have the desired effect.

About diets and nutrition

With cervical osteochondrosis, it is important to eat foods and herbs that contain B vitamins. This can be:

  • poultry meat;
  • porridge, chamomile;
  • mint, coltsfoot;
  • Celery.
Chicken fillet with cervical osteochondrosis

Displays fresh vegetables and fruits. It is undesirable to use salt, its amount should be reduced to a minimum. This is due to impaired cerebral blood flow. There is no need to increase your intake of calcium and potassium.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is an insidious disease that can lead to complex pathologies that lead to disability. At the same time, proper behavior, moderate physical activity and systemic treatment can slow down their development and even stop it for a long time. Live happy and be healthy!